Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Facebook Posts

Kin-á-ji̍t sī Peh-go̍eh-cheh. Góa tńg-gōa-ke khòaⁿ pē-bú. Góa chah nn̄g-pau ka-pi hō͘ in, soah-bóe--á ōaⁿ chi̍t-tui mi̍h-kiāⁿ tò-tńg-lâi. Lāng kóng cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ-chha̍t tio̍h-sī án-ne. :)

今仔日是八月節, 我轉外家看爸母. 我扎兩包咖啡乎in, 煞尾仔換一堆物件倒轉來, 人講查某囝賊著是按呢. :)

It's moon festival day today. I went back to my parents' place to visit them. I brought them 2 packs of coffee beans, but when I left, they gave me plenty of things. Well, that is what "daughter thief" exactly means. :)
Ba̍k-chiu Kiông-beh Lak--lo̍h-lâi

Góa ê ba̍k-chiu kòe-bín hē khí-chiūⁿ, chiūⁿ-kàu pê-chiūⁿ ê sî-chūn, ba̍k-chiu kiông-beh lak--lo̍h-lâi.

我的目睭過敏會起癢, 癢到扒癢的時陣, 目睭強欲落落來

My eyes are itchy because of allergies. My eyes are almost falling off when I scratch them.

Chi̍t-ê Bat Tāi-chì ê Gín-á

Téng-lé-pài sī Hannah ê siⁿ-ji̍t, góa bóe chi̍t-ê koe-nn̄g-ko hō͘ i. I si̍t-chāi sī chi̍t-ê bat tāi-chì ê gín-á, ū-kàu tit-lâng-thiàⁿ :)

頂禮拜是 Hannah 的生日, 我買一個雞卵糕互伊. 他實在是一個bat代誌的gín仔, 有夠得人疼 :)

It was Hannah's birthday last week. I bought her a birthday cake. She's such a mature kid and I just like her so much :)


Chhōa Gín-á

Góa chit-lé-pài khì chhōa-gín-á. Chhit-chá -pat- chá tio ̍h ài khí-chhn̂g, kiat-kó chhōa-gín-á chhōa khah ka-kī tok-ku khùn--khì ><''

我這禮拜去chhōa囡仔, 七早八早著愛起床, 結果chhōa囡仔chhōa到家己啄龜睏去

I was baby-sitting the kids this week, but I fell asleep while I was baby-sitting them because I got up too early. ><''

----- Marcie Lee, Taipei, TAIWAN

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Siraya Creation Song

"Ka si-uru-uru tu naunamu ki way k'ata, nipey-ring-ey pa-ilpugh ta ti Alid ki vulu-vulum ka nay apa. Ni pakavantaw tin k'ana ta im εd ki kamamangka aku-kawagh- εn: ki irang, usi-using apa, ni-maran, ni-munonang ka ni-saw-abigh-apa. Ni murila ka pa-kaw'h-'mha-ato k'ana tu purugh tumang ka na vavare ki mariang-amighki vare, ka ududo ki matikanagh ku ralum."

The name for God is: "Meirang Alid"

English: "In the beginning God made heaven and earth. He filled it with life that jump, walk, hop and fly; green, red, short, long, circle and all kinds of colors and shape. They all dwelt and grew in the land where blew fresh cool breezes and flowed clean ocean water. Blossom and fragrance of grasses filled the air. There were sweet as well as sour fruits, also all kinds of vegetables grew in different seasons. All things were good and beautiful."

Diameta ka tü vullum / The Lord's Prayer

Diameta ka tü vullum:
Lulugniang ta manang oho:
Mabatongal ta tao tu gou moho:
Mamtalto ki kamoienhu tu naly mama tu vullum.
Pecame kà cagniang wagi katta:
Hamiacame ki varaviang mamemiang namia ta varau ki:
tao ka mouro ki ruch emitang;
Inecame poudanga dangach souajá mecame.

Goán tī thiⁿ--nih ê Pē / The Lord's Prayer

Goán tī thiⁿ--nih ê Pē,
Goān Lí ê miâ sèng.
Lí ê kok lîm-kàu.
Lí ê chí-ì tit chiân,
tī tōe--nih chhin-chhiūⁿ tī thiⁿ--nih.
Goán ê jit-sit, kin-á-jit hō· goán.
Sià-bián goán ê ko·–hū,
chhin-chhiūⁿ goán iah ū sià-bián ko·–hū goán ê lâng.
Boh-tit chhōa goán jip tī chhì,
tioh kiù goán thoat-lī hit ê pháiⁿ-- ê.

阮在天上的父 / The Lord's Prayer




Malaing as Labian / Silent Night

manung siv Labian
tinsinghal Bintuhan
Taus uvađun na Iisu
matunung siv masabah
Siatinatu kanum
Iiput nih sabah
manung siv Labian
sasaipuk sidihai
Taađasin pisusling
mas lingdada Dihanin
Tinsumudan kudip
pisvagdu Iisu
manung siv Labian
Sasbinađ kilistu
Maisisiadi hanintia
kunastutin minbunun
Sidangkađmas bunun
taus uvaddun Iisu

Inaam tu tama sia dihanin -- The Lord's Prayer

Inaam tu tama sia dihanin -- The Lord's Prayer

inaam tu tama sia dihanin,
mahtuag suu a gaan atumas-haigun,
mahtuag a kasu kunastutin min-ugti,
mahtuag suu a iniliskinan kapimaupaun mas bunun nastutin,
masđag isia dihhanin.
saivavag kaimin aip mas nakaunun mađami.
pinukaavag inaam a inulivaan,
masđag mađami tu mapin-uka mas itu duma bunun tu inulivaan.
katu punsainun kaimin sia kuag,
sidagkađavag kaimin sia hanitu.

I nam tu tama sia dihanin,
Mahtuang su a ngan atumashaingun,
Mahtuang a kasu kunastutin min ungti,
Mahtuang su a iniliskinan kapimaupaun mas bunun nastutin.
Masdang isia dihanin.
Saivavang kaimin aipmas nakaunun madami. Pin ukavang inamtu inulivan,
Mas dang madami tu mapin unka mas itu duma bunun tu inulivan.
Katu pun sainun kaimin sia kuang sidang kadavang kaimin sia hanitu.
Aupa kasu hai taimi dalah taimi tamasad taimi taishang.
Sau habashabas. Amin.

Yaba Myan Cyux Babaw Kayal -- The Lord's Prayer

Yaba Myan Cyux Babaw Kayal -- The Lord's Prayer

Yaba myan cyux babaw kayal,
pkwiqaw na squliq qu mtasaw lalu su;
nway isu mlahang cinbwanan;
nway mhtuw cinbwanan qu qsahuy inlungan su,
mye'a su nqu maki te babaw kayal.
Biqiy samiy nniqun myan kira.
Swaliy qu alu myan te sunan,
yan smwal samiy squ alu na squliq te sminan.
Laxiy samiy pstnaqiy zihung na cinnalam;
pchuciy samiy kahul qpzing nqu yaqeh na utux. Amen.

Wama niyam i kakarayan, Nanay -- The Lord's Prayer

Wama niyam i kakarayan, Nanay -- The Lord's Prayer

Wama niyam i kakarayan,
Nanay, mapahmek ko nika fagcal no gagan iso.
Nanay, talahkal ko pikowan iso,
Ta matiya o nika lahci no nafaloco'an iso i
kakarayan ko nika lahoci no nafaloco'an iso itini i la'no.
Paflien kami tono aniniay a saka'orip niyam.
Hpolen ko raraw niyam matiya o nipihpol niyam to misatatiihay tamiyanan.
Kriden kami to sakacaaw ka sawi niyam.
Pa'oripen kami a paliyas nai tatiihay.
(Nawhani, o mikowanay, o ci'icelay,
o ci'dilay kiso a mida'oc,
Amig, han.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sù-tô͘ Sìn-keng ( Apostles Creed)


Góa sìn Siōng-tè, chôan-lêng ê Pē, chhòng-chō thiⁿ-tē ê Chú-cháiⁿ.

Góa sìn Iâ-so͘ Ki-tok, Siōng-tè ê to̍k-seⁿ Kíaⁿ, lán ê Chú. I tùi Sèng Sîn tâu-thai, tùi chāi-sek-lú Má-lī-a chhut-sì; tī Pún-tiu Pí-lia̍p-to jīm-lāi sīu-khó͘, tèng si̍p-jī-kè, sí, bâi-chòng, lo̍h im-hú; tē san ji̍t tùi sí-lâng tiong koh-oa̍h, chīuⁿ thiⁿ, taⁿ chē tī chôan-lêng ê Pē Siōng-tè ê tōa-pêng; I beh tùi hia koh lâi sím-phòaⁿ
oa̍h-lâng kap sí-lâng.

Góa sìn Sèng Sîn. Góa sìn sèng, kong-tông ê kàu-hōe,
sèng-tô͘ ê siong-thong, chōe ê sìa-bián; jio̍k-thé ê koh-
oa̍h; éng-oán ê oa̍h-mīa.


Black Bear Diary -- Kinemu Tua Cumai Qayan

NOTE: When there is no capitalization or punctuation, the composition does not look as much like writing as simply a notation of sounds. Would someone familiar with the Paiwan language edit this text taken from the MOE website so that it has capitalization and punctuation like complete sentences?


Kinemu Tua Cumai Qayan

ku paqenetjen na zua i tua 1974 luku gacu ta zua.kamayanan na kavevean na vuceljai i qinalan.maciuciu aken kati sasemsem ui sema saunguaq na saceqalj a nia sivaikan.apa aravac ania tjinavacan ljakua ika men na sepakingao a masau aravac amen tua sitjaljepan nua kalevelevan.

tjemalun na men tua nia qaqaljupan. patagilj a men na muiyuv tua nia dringay.sangasan na dnngay sinivaik anga.ljakua a zua kini kapakan vinciuq a kapaz sini veljadje a ceme kineu a asau. mavan nua na djemameq itjen tua kulja
avac aya men na patatevea.

nu ku pacunan na zua tjenlingayan matu sitiavan aya ken.ka meiuviu a men tua pinakazuan. qmauqau a zua kemasi catja.nia si tuljung tua nia tukuzan maing a men na pasazua.nuljatjungu a men matua men na wei kiquljuc tua qalja.kawei ljatjungu a
men ku pacunan na zua natjelingai. mavovo a ken ljakua na masauakuvalong uta.kinemnem a ken mapkuz anga kuvalong.ka kukigaljuan na zua cumai. nakikalji itua kua tjai kavei.azua siki vavuvavui a nialingai.inika temezeng tua
picu na cumai maljia nia sini pu kicikic vinetjek sa na seljaljiak itua pina kazuanan.

na sekakutanga kamalingai a semequ tja nua men.avan nu siqauqau.pasa kicevong sa ui kequljuc tjanuamen.avan nu si gacalj sa qauqauqau a mezanga avac. tuki na kemasi inu a nia qizing tua zua ekuc.sepapuingau a ken
napagalju kamigacalj azua cumai kitja mamau ania pacuni a satjiungan tjaizua ljusa taitaiyan nuku pacunan.mapaqenetje anan azua kinipaljanan tua kasiu navenaung a ngaken tua picu nua cumai.

mangtjeznga cumai a kicevong.sazayau pasuikuzi ku ayan ti sazemzem.saweikiquljuc anga kuvalong.lemengljeng tjanuamen timadju kiquljuc a pasatjanuaken.maviat aku satje pasa catja i zaya.kungezein na ku tukuzan na
kicevong.puvalong auta cumai.savitjen na ku tukuzan sa vailjingan na pasa cadja.qeveten na ken nua cumai savailjingan naken na pasa zalean.kamigacalj aken ku ljisuken na kutjakit.veciuqen na kukiniqiljan na kasiu mavan nu venciuq tua gecap a
sika matju.sakaci aku djapalj kuseqasen napi mutingan ljakua avan na angalj a na masatau.manu imuceng azuan cumai sa tjuljuki aken na pacua tuan kasiu savailjingana pasa qintatan.ini ka semekez a kiquljucan nua cumai tja nu
aken.mangetjez auta zua pasa mapak tua ku maca.kupasaivai na ima nimadu saku cekceki pi qulu.pedjamuq azua cumai ljemetiq a pasatjanuaken.kuvaitin naku tjakit ulja madjumak a kauwacan ayaken.manu kacen na ku ima.mangeta zua kucuqualj a mapetepet avan na saqetjuan.ika maqati ang aku tjaikanavalj miauwag.

azua na sekakuta anga ken katua cumai.ikamaqati aku kacitiljen aya ken na pivalong.ku qauqaven amezanga a ti sa zemzem.ituqayan ui papacainangaken nua cumai itu qeljingu aken.kungatai na tenvea zua ke mai i sa mangta auta
cumai sake tjauwai.mekelj lja pasa zua.ika cuwai kungangtai na ti sazemzem ma qemauqaung.kaluaiyu qayan nekanga ku sitjekuacan qayan.kupacunan na kusinkakutan.sakuveaqin na ku kava sicavu tua ku ima piqayamakaya ken vaik a ken
na pasatjimadj.ku lengleng ngan ti madj ginemnem tuaima zua tjaikavei a sitjekuacan.petjamutjamuq a kaljuskusan.kacen nua cumai a ku sitjekuacan qayan.aya ti matju tua paka saqtjuan.pasainu nga zua cumai?kukivataqan ti sa zemzem.pasazaya
zu vaik sa qauqauqau.nama vulvul sa paka mutud nu kukiangtan.cuaianga zua qayan. aljicikei qayan aya ti sazemzme.ikaui cuai anga nasi nua cumai qayan.azua kusinqas anga angalj sa na ma vukvuk anga quu ui masu djamuq anga.kuteveain na pa
cikel.gata pupicu ana azua cumai.aya tenvea tjanua ken.「tjakiqatilau anan satja pakayai timadju.tjaculjuau anga djumaq.」ku ayain ti madju.ikacuai qemudjalj anga.

ku angtain na cumai ipasazaya qemauqauqau.kupusatjan ti sazemzem sane kaciu apsazaya.semazua anga men tua gatu nia pacunan na kuyangata kapaz nua kasiu.tja izua melje tapuq a caucau maka ingulj.inazekan tjlji qacangata namasan pong a
itatje.mau paljing a sicasavan.kimaya kaimazan na cumai na qetjeljem aravac a paljing.kelji a ceme i paingulj tua tangtangtang matu kaizuanan nua nemanga imaza.umaumaq nua cumai cuai maza aya men.

ku sauin ti sazemzem pacun tua pong nu cevuta cumai cekceki pasa tua valong.pazeljeman na pagalju nimadju.sipagalju a pasemalau tjanua ken:「ipaljing nga qu nua cumai.」satuzungi tua tukuzan na tjakit.cinekcek apitua qu ljakua ika
nasetjaljep.「ika ui maqati」aya ken na venarung.saku sazua i vavau tua kapaz kmim tua macati si cekcekan.manu matjani a ku tjinuwatan na qaciljai.manu saugeseg azua cumai.ljakua avan nu kusika keljang tuinu a kinaizuanan.saku pacaing a emuguz tua
ku kusini palaing an tua valjong.sinigalju sakutinangez a pi qavan a ku vuluq sakusi puita cemekcek.nanguaq ika na pasayu.sipuita azua cumai sa pacai.ka ui mavut tua nasi na qemauqau a nan na putjiu.

kaku keljangi tu na macai anga cumai.cemike aken a sema paljing.maya tucu ti sazemzem:「ki maya na mimacagian na cumai.maya nan na tetep!」「na maipuq anga cumai sa pedjamudjamuq.nekanga ljanasi.」ku tevela in timadju.kitjavililj anga ti
sazemzem tjanuaken na paljilji tua puqizing aravac.azua napasa casau ka macai a cumai.ku paqayaman na venicilj tua ku tjai kavei.kata nama qutja sa matjeveng tua djamuq tjaut angata.saka sadjyuuong auta sepakilingau aravac amen ka ti
sazemzem na pasa casau.

masuzeiyan na men.「tjakutain anga cumai?」aya ti sazemzem.「nanguaq a venuciq tu kelji a tjapi sikauin tu tjakacuin.」aya ken.「mutud aravac a ku kua!」maka tevea ti sazemzem.patageilj aken na venuciq tua tjapalj.venuciq tua vutjulj tu nia
kacuin.azua na sekakuta men avan na tjapalj katua kelja a nia pakakacuin.

nia pasasumusumusen na djapalj.kania vaikan na kinai zua nan na cumai mau kaseseman anga.kadjemaljun na men i tjugadu miseseleman nanga sa qutjaqutjalj.kadjemaljun na men i qinaljan na salimanga vengin.avan na nia seiyan
katua nia culjan.saka mutulj aspaut ania piqai.kemeljang a sika taqaljan tu na malap a men tua cumai.mangtjez a ki papuingaingau.mavekelje lja siuljauljai i kaumaqan tazua.

si kesa men si alja men nua caucauanga iumaq.pucemein sa cavui a sinkakudan.vaika sema iziuci a pakeljang,sa qemepu tua namaqacuvong a ui qemeljing,na masau a ken tua ini ka namacai a men,na maya uta vinljong ni
sazemzem.kamasu culjan masu seian nanga men.tjemaucike a men tua nia pinaqaquljucan katua cumai,samalji anga na mangta.azua na sekakuda saka qati a nan kiquljuc,tuki anema picu katua qizing maqati.kupacunan na sauwan katua samaljian
tjanuamen,azua nia ekutj nia zelji nia kipangezan,mavan tua sapui kayua cevulj a sekataqed anga ken itua senai nua tjasikataqaljan.

sika tjaman,maciu a men kati sazemzem ljelauz a kipapuceme.savaiki a cemike nua maqacuvucuvung a na tjeza cumai,izua nan a djapalj kelja katua tjaitaz.azua mavekelj anga maqati malaptua namaya ta zua saceme,mangta a qinaljan sa pangtjez i
tjanua men paljilji.mau naqemeci tua qalja aya pusau,malji ke masicadja nia kasusu na masi vawa katua si pagaugau tjanuaken.tjapaqenetjen azua na matua vuvuong aya.

aicu a tjaucikelj sini pasemau ni vuvuanga i saljongljong,nimadju aicu a sinljavakan ka maqacuvucuvong.tucu anga maqeceng itjen tua kakutain ta piqemaljup,ljakua aicu a tja kakudain na kemasi cuai a piqemaljup,avan na tjalja
uzaiyan tjalja pazangaan na paiwan.


時間倒回民國六十三年六月左右。在部落的早晨一如往常是雲高風清,吵雜的鳥叫聲伴著我和sa zemzem一同往獵場前進,這天心情似乎非常輕鬆,也異 常興奮。從老七佳部落一路走來雖然艱辛,但是隨著心情的放鬆與天氣的配合讓

進入獵場隨即展開巡視捕獸夾的步驟,從最近的一個捕獸夾已經不翼而飛, 且環顧四週的環境盡是折斷的樹幹、殘破不堪的枝葉與利爪深鑿的痕跡猶如颱風浩劫一般,直覺上就已經看出已經夾獲到非常巨大的野獸,從現場掙扎的跡象不

我以經驗判斷,巨獸應該是昨天觸到陷阱的,就在我們到處搜索獸夾與巨獸 逃離的方向時,遠方傳來陣陣野獸的嘶吼聲,距離約有三百公尺左右,於是我和 sa zemzem 就立刻將隨身的配刀插在手杖上,準備與已經聞到我們氣味的巨獸做一番搏鬥。隨著巨獸吼聲愈來愈大聲,我們也步步為營地往巨獸方向小心翼翼的前進。就在我們即將正面衝突的時候,我遠遠發現,被我們的獸夾所獵獲的巨獸
由於黑熊本身在觸到獸夾之後已經受傷,然後又從空氣中嗅到我們的氣味, 我們聽到它的吼聲之後,就知道它已經有警戒,早已準備做反抗與攻擊。因此, 我們靠近它時正以直立的姿勢迎接我們,且不時回以震耳欲聾的咆哮吼聲,駭人的氣氛凝聚在當時,著實讓人回想起來真不知何處來的勇氣。我努力地將緊張的情緒鎮定下來,因為黑熊站立時的高度與我的身高大約相同,再衡量它的重量可能超過兩百公斤,腦海中回憶起放陷阱的地方甚為粗壯的樹幹被撕裂的場景,在我心理早已經對它有了盤算,但是我還是沒有忽視這頭黑熊的力量。

黑熊的吼聲距離我們越來越近,情勢也越來越緊張。於是我就叫 sazemzem 到上風處,繞到牠的後面;而我已有應戰的準備。當我們看到牠的時候,牠就衝向我攻擊,原本我在行進,被這突來的狀況也被嚇得不知該如何才好,而我的同伴拔腿就跑,跑到距離我較遠的上方處。定神之後憑著一枝長手杖及一把刀,緊握的長手杖瞄準黑熊的心臟,但是黑熊也不是等閒之輩,他用雙掌將我的手杖拋到十幾公尺遠的地方,此刻手無寸鐵的我,硬是被黑熊從腰部抱起來,重重的摔在地面。而就在起身的時候,我迅速的將我另一把刀子取出來,當牠又再次撲向

由於我已經身負重傷,而熊也負傷之下,我預估自己的戰鬥力,實在是不可能和牠單獨博鬥,於是我大聲的呼喊sazamzam,跟他說:「我快被熊殺死了,趕快來救我!」遠遠的從山坡上聽到他的回應聲,同時黑熊也聽到 sazamzam 叫聲就將我釋放下來,黑熊轉頭便朝向聲音的來源奔去;不一會兒,就聽到sazamzam的悽慘哀號聲,他痛苦的呼叫著:「快來救我呀!我的腳趾不見了!」此時,我檢視傷口,先將刀子從腰際解下來,然後用刀子將衣服切割成布條包裹傷口,想辦法將布條由脖子纏繞受傷的手,再垂掛於胸前固定之。完成後立刻用左手把刀子放進背包裡,然後趕到他那邊去。只見他用雙手將左腳趾緊緊握住,傷口的血從指縫間滲流出來,早已經浸染了整個雙手。「黑熊將我的左腳大拇趾咬掉了!」 他痛苦的跟我說。而我又問他:「熊往哪裡逃?」他說:「往山坡上走了,牠一邊走,一邊狂叫。」然後他用緊張且痛苦的聲音說:「我們不要再追了,我們回去吧!」我回他說:「這頭熊已經快差不多了,他已經活不久了,因為我已經砍牠的嘴,刺了牠的頭部兩刀,血流很多快不行了。」他回應說:「他還是很厲害,

我隱約聽到黑熊在山坡上狂叫,我鼓勵著 sazemzem 且忍住疼痛往山坡上追。越過山坡後我們看見一棵巨大的樹頭,約需十人環抱的大樹頭,盤根錯節範圍很大,而中間是空的,當中有一缺口就像家門一般。可能是黑熊出入頻繁,入口處被身體摩擦得很光鮮油亮;樹根周圍雜草很少,四周動物奔跑、追逐的痕跡讓周圍地面看起來非常的清亮,我們直覺判斷這就是黑熊的巢穴。

我叫 Sazemzem 去看洞裡的情形,如果黑熊出來,就往他的心臟刺。他往洞口望去,輕輕的跟我說:「熊的頭在洞口」。然後,他試著用佩刀套上手杖而成的長茅刺探,雖然刺到黑熊的頭但並沒有刺中要害。此時,我心理暗想:「我這個同伴不行!」。於是我爬上樹頭,找尋可以下手的地方。一不小心腳踏的石頭卻滑了下去,驚動了洞裡負傷休息的黑熊,但也因此讓我看到了黑熊的正確位置。 於是,我將佩刀牢牢的套上手杖,然後趁機對準了黑熊的心臟位置,屏氣凝神用我身體右腋下頂著長矛,孤注一擲用盡全力刺向黑熊。幸好這次並沒有失手,黑熊因為這致命的一擊,終於不支倒地,氣絕身亡。黑熊斷氣前還曾經哀吼三聲。

我知道黑熊已經死掉之後,便迅速跳到洞口,這時候sazemzem卻跟我說: 「黑熊可能假裝死掉,我們先不要進去!」我興奮的告訴他:「黑熊已經癱倒在地,血流不止,而且已經沒有氣息了。」sazemzem才一步一趨的跟在我的後頭探望這頑強的對手。因為黑熊死時是腳朝洞口,於是我試著用沒有受傷的左手抓黑熊的腿,但是經過雨淋和血染之後,熊腿奇滑無比。又加上這隻黑熊重量太重,
所以我和 sazemzem 費了九牛二虎之力,才把他拖到洞穴外面來。


一路上我們輪流背著熊腿,離開黑熊巢穴時大約下午三、四點,走到 tjugadu 的山坡時,天色已經暗下來了,當時大雨還不停的下著。回到部落時已經是佈滿星空的晚上了。我們又累又餓,且身上的傷口在雨水的沖洗下,更是疼痛。親友得知我們獵到黑熊的事,全都跑過來一探究竟,當時部落只有一些常住在山上耕作的村人。

回到部落族人便燒水煮飯,替我們更衣包紮傷口,一些人則趁夜回新部落報訊,並召集部落青年準備上山援救,當時的心情非常興奮與慶幸自己大難不死, 而我的同伴 sazemzem 也有相同的感受。飢寒疲累獲得紓解之後,與族人談論與黑熊打鬥的過程,族人莫不瞠口結舌直呼不可思議,因為受到重傷還能奮力一博,這需要多少的毅力與勇氣才可以做到。看著族人充滿敬佩的眼神與崇拜的表情,這一天緊張刺激、長途跋涉的疲累與生命交關的心情,霎時全都隨柴火昇煙飛散。當晚在族人圍爐歡飲同享勝利的滋味下酣甜入夢。

隔天清晨,我和sazemzem及山下來的親友們先回新部落接受治療,而一些青年朋友則又回獵場將黑熊的殘骸取回,包括黑熊腿、殘肢及內臟等。由於當時能獵到如此龐然巨大的獵物,算是非常少見,所以全村的親戚朋友都不約而同的向我道賀與表示敬佩之意,就連遠方親戚朋友也聞訊趕來,帶了小米酒和豐盛的賀禮來慶祝戰勝黑熊。回想起當年的盛況,猶如英雄衣錦還鄉的感覺。 這一則故事是近代部落傳奇勇士salonglong親口敘述的真實事件,雖然現代野生保育觀念提升,狩獵行為受到限制,然而依山運行的狩獵文化,在排灣族社群中依然是部落傳統文化價值的核心。

Here is a modified google translation from the Mandarin into English. It could probably be edited into a more coherent English text.

Kumakuchi Rest of My Life

It was back in June of 1974. In the tribe is as usual the morning high cloud conditions and customs, noisy complex of birds singing accompanied me and Sazemzem forward to the hunting field. This day seemed very relaxed, but also abnormal and always exciting. Seven from the old tribe a good future despite difficult road to go, but with the mood of relaxation and with the weather so that along the way, such as fatigue evaporated.

We started immediately into the hunting field visits to the trap of steps, from the most recent trapping has no wings to fly, And look around the environment is full of broken tree trunks, broken branches are not worthy of the leaf and the interest of a deep claw marks like a typhoon catastrophe general, intuition has been seen on the folder has been to a very large beast, no signs of struggling from the field It is difficult to see when injured by hunters pain and survival instincts.

I experienced judge, monster traps should be touched yesterday, found everywhere in our claim and monster hunters Escaping direction, the distant roar of the beast bursts of mass future sound distance of about 300 meters or more, so I sa zemzem immediately to carry on the distribution knife inserted in the stick, ready to have smelled the odor of the beast we do Some struggle.

With more and more loud roar monster, we step by step directions to the camp to the monster cautiously Forward. We are about the conflict in a positive, I much found by our hunters have been hunting the monster Turned out to be a cumai (Taiwan black bear). At that time, rushed to his forehead and his first response was a thrilling but harm Afraid. After a while the whole management thoughts, the fear of feeling gradually coming under calm, and the tension is also slightly Stable.

God will look, our trapping also remain in the black bear's left foot on, but also because of The power of black bear Is too great, and we are in the trap for the arrest was originally designed for hunting mountain swine, so twisted by the rack in the black bear's broken Bad if there is already a heap of scrap iron, under, feet hanging in the black bear black bear hunters like to dress with accessories Like, have no binding ability. Fixed hunters to use together a large steering wheel (In order to prevent loss of hunters dragged the Bank Track, usually bundled in thick of a tree), has also been broken down into several sections, scattered located on the path on black bear run away.

As the bear itself has been injured after touching the hunters, and then from the air smell we smell After we heard the roar, I know it has a warning, and attack against the already prepared to do. Therefore, When we close it is to meet our upright posture, and do not want to explode when the Deaf back to the roaring roar, terrifying Atmosphere of cohesion at the time, indeed, reminiscent of the future really does not know where the courage of the future. My effort to be tight Under the future emotional calm, because when the bears stand up to my height and about the same height, then measure its weight can 100 kg to more than two, recalled to mind the place up traps to be very thick trunk tear scene, in I already it has psychological order calculations, but I did not ignore The power of this first black bear. Black bear's roar distance more and more close to us, the situation has become more and more tense. So I called sazemzem To upwind, around to the back of it; and I have to prepare for battle.

When we saw it, it washed Attack to me, had I conducted into the, by this sudden coming De status was scared not know how to go about, and I the same With ran away I went far away from the top of the departure. With a God given after the long walking stick and a knife, tight Black bear holding a long stick aimed at the heart, but black bears are not a Dengxianzhibei he stick with the palms of my cast To ten meters away, at the moment I am defenseless, he just picked up by black bears coming from the waist, pounding on the ground. And on up, I quickly took out my knife to another future, when it again fell into I, the original trunk I cover religious ties broken by the bear, like chopsticks off easy in general. A Moment, it has bite my left leg, but I try my hardest to its face with a knife cut, but only his mouth hurt Department only.

At this point, a large black bear animal hair, one hand holding my arm, the other hand from my crotch to my Raised thrown away, my body, like shells on the floor like a ball. Black bear attack never stopped, he Also told me flutter future, claws like to take my eyes out, I will bear arms dump alert, while Shun Potential with a knife to his head Meng puncture knife, lost all blood spattered covered, while my eyes are not so Pool open, I closed With eyes like the knife and then puncture a deep point onward transfer, to let the knife to puncture the arteries to the black bear, but he Order quick bite my right palm thumb and the site, I clearly heard, felt palm in black bear gnawing , The meat spindles Gu Sui, blood flow, such as injection pain does not have. Therefore, the loss of my right hand combat convenience features.

Since I had been maimed and injured bears are under, I estimate their fighting ability, it is not allowed And its sustained efforts to separate, so I cried aloud to Sazamzam saying: "I'm going to be bear to kill the order, catch Are coming to save me! "Far from the hillside to hear his response to sound, while black bears have also heard sounds sazamzam I will release the next future, the bear turned to convenience and ran towards the sound source; not for a while, I heard sazamzam Miserable wail sound, he calls the pain: "are coming to save me! My toes do not see order!"

At this point, I View the wound, coming off his first knife from the waist, and then clothes and cut with a knife wrapped strips of cloth wound, like Approach to cloth from the neck wound injured hand, and then hanging in front constant. Immediately after the completion of the knife with his left hand Child into the backpack, then rushed him over there. Only see his hands firmly hold the left toe, the blood of the wound Seepage from between the fingers out of the future, order the hands already disseminated. "Black bear will bite off my left big toe order!" I am speaking with his pain. I asked him: "Bear Where escape?" Saying: "In order to take the hill, its side Walk, while barking.

"Then he strained and painful voice speaking:" We do not have to catching late, we go back It! "I'm back to saying:" the bear is almost more or less the order, he had not long live order, because I have cut it Mouth, sensation order its head two knives, the blood flow not been conducting a lot faster. "He responded Notes:" He is very powerful, Great force. "I am comforted saying:" bear with me! We took him out with a back cooked suicide. "Days at this time Air suddenly began to rain. I vaguely heard the barking black bear on the hillside, and I encourage the Sazemzem and hold back the pain to the slopes Chase.

We see across the slope and a huge tree and surrounded by trees in about ten head, deep-rooted Fan Wai great, but the middle is empty, which have a gap like a normal house. May bear out frequently, into the The mouth is very bright body friction oil lit; the roots of weeds around the little animals running around, chasing the traces The ground around them to see the future is very clear from the brightness, we intuitively judge that is the bear's den. I see a hole called sazemzem monsoon, airplane case, if the black bear out of the future, go out into his heart puncture. Him to the hole I looked, gently speaking to me: "Bear's head openings."

Then he tried to wear a walking stick made of knives Spears puncture probe, although the puncture to the black bear's head but did not puncture the vital. At this point, I psychological thought: "I just Companion is not behavior! . " So I climbed up a tree, looking for a place to start with. A careless foot of rock In order to continue to slip, alerted order hole裡rest wounded black bear, but because I see the order bears the correct location. So, I will wear a saber牢牢the cane, and then took the opportunity to align the heart of the bear position order, with God breath condensate Braving the spear right axillary my body, desperate to bear the exhaustion of all ability puncture. Fortunately, this has not missed, black Bear because of this deadly blow, and finally fell to the ground without support, Qijueshenwang. Sad bear breathe ago had shouted three times. I know the bear is dead, the convenience quickly jump to openings, but to me this time Sazemzem noted: "Black bear may pretend to die, let's not get in!"

I'm excited to tell him: "black bear has collapsed , The blood flow is not only and has no breath order. "Sazemzem only one step with a trend of my behind Visit this tenacious opponent. Because black bears towards death is the foot openings, so I try not injured left hand grasping Black bear's legs, but after the rain shower and bloody, the bears legs extremely odd slip. Added the only bear the weight too heavy So I sazemzem fee order nine cattle tigers of force, only then dragged him out of future cavities. After a short break, sazemzem Notes: "how should we handle the bear it?", "At least some of Bring back the meat on the backpack

"I'm speaking. "But it hurts my feet!" Sazemzem finished speaking, I started Bear with their left leg will be dismembered, a number of bear meat prepared切back. Because we are wounded, they are able to carry things Limited black bear's body and a leg is the only burden. A road, we take turns carrying a bear leg, leaving the nest when the black bear at about three or four points, went tjugadu Hillside, the sky has been dark the future under the order, when heavy rain has not stop to sleep. Back to the tribe was already covered Star of the evening order. We also accrue hungry, and the body in the rain washing the wound, the more is the pain. Friends We are hunting the black bear that matter, find out all ran the future, when the tribe only a few permanent cultivation in the mountains For the villagers.

Back to the ethnic tribe burned boiled convenience, we have more clothes for dressing wounds, some people are Chenye report back to the new tribe Information, and prepare to convene the mountain tribes of Youth rescue, the mood was very excited and grateful that the disaster is not dead, My companion Sazemzem have the same feelings. Cumulative be alleviated hungry tired after the talks with the ethnic theory and The process bears fighting, Serbs are not left behind by mouth men can answer directly call Mo is not marvelous, but also excited because the ability of a seriously injured Bo, which requires stamina and courage how much we can do. Look at the eyes of God clan is full of admiration and worship of the table Situation, this day of intense stimulation, the long journey cumulative fatigue life of diplomatic relations with the feeling of instant full都with wood smoke rise Flying.

Night in the furnace Huan Yin Wai tribe shared the taste of Victory sweet dreams under the nap. Next morning, Sazemzem and I and foot before coming back to relatives and friends of the new tribe for medical treatment, while some Young friends in turn back to black bear hunting field will retrieve the wreckage, including the black bear legs, severed limbs and visceral organs. At that time, To hunting to such a mammoth and great hunting property, which is a less common, so the whole village of friends and relatives about the same by FEM To congratulate and express my admiration of him, on hearing the news together friends and relatives far away in time coming, with In order to millet wine and rich He defeated black bear gift to celebrate the future. Recall when the year's spectacular event, feeling like a hero returned home gloriously.
This story is a modern tribe described himself legendary warrior Salonglong real event, although modern Concept to enhance the conservation of wild, hunting behavior is limited, however, the mountain transport behavior of the hunting culture of the Paiwan community Group in the tribe is still the core of the traditional cultural values

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oral History recorded in 1954

7. Eight Chants from Taiwan with English Commentary NOTE: Songs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 are Bunun; Songs 4, 8 are Amis; Song 7 is Atayal

Included in a collection of oral history on the Paiwan Austronesian peoples made by John Whitehorn in 1954.

Paiwan Oral History

Can anyone type an accurate transcript of these recordings in the Paiwan language?

Recorded by John Whitehorn in 1954 at the Masilid Village, Northwest Pingtung, Taiwan
Published on DSpace of Cambridge University
List of 31 recordings

1. Address to Christians in Britain [MP3]
2. Chanted Story
3. Christian Prayer 1 - Man
4. Christian Prayer 2 - Woman
5. Christian Prayer 3 - Man
6. The Drunkard
7. Eight Chants from Taiwan with English Commentary NOTE: Songs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 are Bunun; Songs 4, 8 are Amis; Song 7 is Atayal
8. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 1
9. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 2
10. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 3
11. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 4
12. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 5
13. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 6
14. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 7
15. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 8
16. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 9
17. Farewell Address to John Whitehorn 10
18. Translated Hymn: "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again"
19. Harvest Prospects
20. Translated Hymn: "All People that on Earth Do Dwell"
21. Translated Hymn: Fight the Good Fight
22. Paiwan Words - Man
23. Paiwan Words - Woman
24. Parable of the Good Samaritan
25. Paiwan Song 1 - Man
26. Paiwan Song 2 - Woman
27. Paiwan Song 3 - Woman NOTE: Sounds like this song's melody was taken from Japanese style
28. Paiwan Songs 1
29. Paiwan Songs 2
30. Wedding Discussion
31. Translated Hymn: "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"


further references:
One Hundred Paiwan Texts by Robert J. Early and John Whitehorn (Whitehorne), pub. Canberra : Pacific Linguistics, 2003.
viii, 587 p. : ill., maps. ; 25 cm. --- ISBN 0858834790 --- Series Pacific linguistics ; 542