"To̍k-to̍k lín só͘ beh ji̍p-khì sêng-chiap ê tōe, chiū-sī ū-soaⁿ, ū-kok, lâi sêng-siū thiⁿ ê hō͘-chúi ê tōe; sī Iâ-hô-hoa -- lí Siōng-tè só͘ koàn-kò͘ ê tōe, tùi nî-thâu kàu nî-bé, Iâ-hô-hoa -- lí Siōng-tè ê ba̍k-chiu siông-siông khòaⁿ i." (Sin-bēng-kì 11:11-12)
Kin-á-ji̍t lán kiâⁿ-ji̍p sin-nî, sin-chiaⁿ, sin ê chi̍t-nî ê khai-sí. Tī beh-lâi ê chi̍t-nî, sī hó, sī pháiⁿ, sī hok, sī hō, sī îⁿ-ê, sī píⁿ-ê, lóng m̄-chai. Chiân-tô͘ bâng-bâng, bô lâng chai chiong-lâi ê lō͘ oē tú-tio̍h sím-mi̍h chō-gū, sím-mi̍h piàn-chhian. Chóng-sī tùi Pē Siōng-tè hia lâi ê sìn-sit, siōng oē thang chòe lán ê an-ùi, siōng oē thang kek-lē lán. "Iâ-hô-hoa koàn-kò͘ ..... Tùi nî-thâu kàu nî-bé ..... Iâ-hô-hoa ê ba̍k-chiu siông-siông koàn-kò͘." Kui-nî thàng-thiⁿ, 24 tiám-cheng, mî-ji̍t ê koàn-kò͘.
Lán ê seng-oa̍h ê pit-su-phín lóng thang oá-khò͘ Siōng-tè. I ū bōe ta-khì ê oa̍h-chôaⁿ, éng-oán teh lâu ê kang-hô; I ū hong-hong hù-hù ê un-tián kap chû-ài. Nā-sī I chòe lán kiòng-kip ê goân-thâu, lán tek-khak bōe sit-bāng. Put-koán jia̍t, á-sī khòng-hān, lóng bōe hō͘ hit ê "hō͘ Siōng-tè ê siâⁿ hoaⁿ-hí" (Si-phian 46:4) ê hô ta khì.
Lán só͘ tit-tio̍h ê, sī ū soaⁿ, ū kok, m̄-sī chi̍t-phìⁿ pîⁿ-pîⁿ ê pîⁿ-iûⁿ. Ká-sú lán ê chêng-bīn ê seng-oa̍h sī pêng-pêng bô piàn-hòa, bô bāng ê sī, sī hô-téng ê bô-bī bô-sò͘. Lán su-iàu soaⁿ kap kok. Soaⁿ oē hō͘ hō͘-chúi lâu-chi̍p kàu kok--nih, hō͘ tōe piàn pûi thang kiat chin-chōe ê ké-chí. Soaⁿ tùi lán ê sìⁿ-miā iā sī án-ni. Soaⁿ oh peh, soaⁿ-lō͘ pháiⁿ-kiâⁿ, chóng-sī chhin-chhiūⁿ soaⁿ hiah-koân ê kan-lân oē chhui-pek lán chhin-kūn kàu Siōng-tè ê bīn-chêng lâi tit-tio̍h hok-khì. Chin-chōe lâng in-ūi thó-ià soaⁿ ê sin-khó͘, tham-loân pîⁿ-tē ê sù-sī, soah sit-khì oa̍h-la̍t. Tng siū hong-seh ê táⁿ-kek, chiū tó lo̍h-khì tī pîⁿ-iûⁿ--nih, bâi-chòng tī n̂g-kim sek ê soa-tiong. Siōng-tè ê soaⁿ sī chòe I ê chú-bîn ê pó-chiòng.
Jîn-seng ê sit-pāi, iu-siong, chhì-liān, tùi lán ê lī-ek, lán hiān-chāi m̄-chai; lán chí-ū sìn-khò Thiⁿ-pē. I tī lán sin-pīⁿ khan lán ê chhiú, chhōa lán kiâⁿ it-seng ê tō-lō͘.
Sin-nî Sin Chiok-hok
I chhōa lán kiâⁿ chhiⁿ-so͘ ê lō͘, Chhōa lán hiòng-chêng chi̍t-pō͘ koh chi̍t-pō͘, Ū loán-jio̍k, ū poa̍h-tó, Àm-mo͘-mo͘, tōa hong-hō͘, Nā-sī o͘-hûn kè-liáu, Lán chai, I iáu kè-sio̍k chhōa lán ê chiân-tô͘.
I chhōa lán kè kham-kham khia̍t-khia̍t ê nî, Ū ǹg-bāng, ū kiaⁿ-hiaⁿ, ū giâu-gî, Koh sit-pāi, koh iu-siong, o͘-am-sì, M̄-bián kiaⁿ, I chhōa lán kè múi ê sî-kî; Lán chai, che sī I ê hó chí-ì, I iáu kè-sio̍k chhōa lán ê ji̍t-chí.
Tùi lán múi chi̍t-lâng kiám-chhái ōe-tit-thang kóng, lán ta̍k-lâng sìⁿ-mia tiong chòe iàu-kín ê bo̍k-te̍k, chiū-sī ēng lán só͘-ū lóng-chóng ê châi-lêng kap tì-sek, lâi koh khah jīn-bat siong-sìn Siōng-tè; ia̍h siōng-chhiáⁿ siū kám-tōng lâi o-ló kám-siā I.
Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, 1969 -- Gû-tin-Tāi-ha̍k Anglo-Saxon Bûn-ha̍k-hē (Eng-tē ê le̍k-sú gí-giân-ha̍k-ka) ê Kàu-siū kap Chhiú-chí Ông (Mô͘-kài) ê Chok-ka
"So it may be said that the chief purpose in life, for any one of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks."
-- Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, 1969 -- Oxford University Professor of Anglo-Saxon Literature & Author of the Lord of the Rings 魔戒
(lyrics by Tīⁿ Jyi-giokk 1993, translated by Namoh Rata; music by Siau, Thài-jiân 1993) "Taiwan the Formosa" [Verdant Taiwan] -- Taiwan's (unofficial) National Anthem
No-eti-pan no pa-ri-yar, Ka-pa-hay a ki-ta-kit. Ma-so-ka-di ti-ya-ho, A-ni-ni mi-sa-ta-tad. Sa-re-kec ko pa-ra-na-'an, A-wa-ay ko sa-ka-ki-nih. Ma-sa-si-pa-dang to-fa-na', Ma-sa-si-da-ma to 'o-rip.
Thòi-vân Chhui-chhiâng (lyrics by Tīⁿ Jyi-giokk 1993, translated by Hiû San-hiùng ; music by Siau, Thài-jiân 1993) "Taiwan the Formosa" [Verdant Taiwan] -- Taiwan's (unofficial) National Anthem
" Tâi-ôan Chhùi-chhiⁿ " - Tâi-oân ê Kok-Koa (lyrics by Tīⁿ Jyi-giokk 鄭兒玉 1993; music by Siau, Thài-jiân 蕭泰然 1993) "Taiwan the Formosa" [Verdant Taiwan] -- Taiwan's (unofficial) National Anthem
Verdant Taiwan English Translation and Versification - by Joel H. Linton, A.D. 2010
Verdant gem, amidst the azure sea Our Taiwan, most beautiful and free Dark ages past, outlanders ruled Now we'll build a nation great and free A constitutional republic found Out of many, united, we are bound As one poeple, marshaling our worth, Onward in strength, forging peace throughout the earth
(As with Francis Scott Key's anthem that became the national anthem of the United States, the second verse of Verdant Taiwan is less commonly sung, and expresses the song-writer's faith in God.)
Verse 2 In the beginning, God created her, Formosa, Taiwan our treasure God granted our ancestors there to dwell And build a nation by His sovereign will To Jesus Christ o'er all the nations, King We long to make a righteous offering Of this great land that we've been given By showing forth love and justice As it is in heaven
Chia it-tēng ū lâng khòaⁿ-kòe chi̍t chhut tiān-iáⁿ kiò-chò 魔 戒 (The Lord of the Rings)? Ū khòaⁿ-kòe ê lâng, chhiaⁿ lín giâ chhiú. Kuí ê ū khòaⁿ-kòe hit pún chheh? Gû-tin-Tāi-ha̍k-ê kàu-siū --- i ê miâ kiò-chò J.R.R. Tolkien --- só͘-siá-ê hit pún 魔 戒 The Lord of the Rings. I sī Anglo-Saxon Bûn-ha̍k-hē ê kàu-siū. Anglo-saxon sī í-chêng goân-pún ê Eng-gí. Góa siūⁿ, nā J.R.R. Tolkien m̄-sī Eng-kok-lâng; i ê chó͘-kok nā-sī Tâi-oân, i it-tēng ē chò Tâi-oân-oē Bûn-ha̍k ê kàu-siū.
Eng-gí ê le̍k-sú kap Tâi-gí-ê chin chhin-chhiūⁿ. Tùi Kong-goân Lio̍k-Khòng-Khòng Nî kàu Kong-goân Chi̍t-chheng Nî, Eng-kok-lâng ū hoat-khí Eng-bûn ê bûn-ha̍k. Liáu-aū, It-Khòng-Lio̍k-Lio̍k Nî ê-sî, gōa-kok ê thóng-tī-chiá William the Conquerer lâi-kàu Eng-kok. Hit-ê thóng-tī-chiá, in kóng Hoat-kok-oē. Í-aū lú-lâi-lú bô lâng siūⁿ boeh iōng Eng-bûn siá-jī. Chit hāng tāi-chì hō͘ Eng-gí ū bô hó ê éng-hióng.
Tâi-oân ê le̍k-sú mā ū hoat-seng--kòe kāng-khoán ê tāi-chì. It-Pat-Kiú-Ngó͘ Nî ê-sî, Ji̍t-Pún-lâng lâi. Thóng-tī Tâi-oân gō͘-cha̍p nî, in kiông-pek Tâi-oân ê ha̍k-hāu kan-na ē-tàng iōng Ji̍t-pún-oē . Aū-lâi, Tiong-Hôa-Bîn-Kok lâi, koh gō͘-cha̍p nî bián-kióng Tâi-oân-lâng tī ha̍k-hāu kan-na ē-tàng iōng Hôa-gí. In kìm-chí lâng iōng pún-thó͘-oē. Chit hāng tāi-chì m̄-nā kìm-chí Hō-ló-oē, Kheh-oē, kap múi chi̍t-cho̍k-ê goân-chū-bîn oē, mā hō͘ Tâi-oân ê gí-giân bûn-ha̍k kap bûn-hòa lú-lâi-lú jio̍k, lú-lâi-lú siau-sit-khì.
In-uī goân-pún ê Eng-kok bûn-hòa í-keng bô-khì, Eng-kok-ê hit-ê kàu-siū boeh hôe-ho̍k í-chêng ê Eng-kok bûn-hòa. Só͘-í i siá 魔 戒 The Lord of the Rings hit pún chheh.
Lí nā khòaⁿ-tio̍h hit chhut tiān-iáⁿ, lí ē-táng thiaⁿ Eowyn teh chiùⁿ koa.
Sui-jiân Tolkien ka-tī chō sin-ê gí-giân, m̄-ku lán tú-tú thiaⁿ-ê m̄-sī i chō-ê. Hit-ê gí-giân sī Anglo-Saxon. Lán khòaⁿ-tio̍h-ê sōng-lé, lâi-bin ū chin-chē Anglo-Saxon suí ê bûn-hòa. Chit-ê chiok suí ê bûn-hòa ū siau--sit-kòe. M̄-ku chòe-kīn koh khai-sí ū khòaⁿ-tio̍h.
Lán chia khó-lêng ū chi̍t-koá ê lâng tùi Tâi-gí ē ū kāng-khoán ê éng-hióng. Só͘-í nā ē-hiáu tha̍k koh siá Tâi-gí sī tùi lán aū-pái ū chin tōa-ê pang-chō͘, sī chin te̍k-pia̍t-ê.
4. In-ūi ta̍k-ê í-keng si̍p-koàn iōng Hàn-jī siá Hôa-gí. Só͘-í lán khòaⁿ Hàn-jī kóng Tâi-gí ê-sî tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ kóng m̄-tio̍h.
Phí-jú-kóng: tāi-ke vs. ta̍k-ê
Pe̍h-oē-jī ê hoat-im kap International Phonetic Alphabet chin sēng. Siá Tâi-gí iōng pe̍h-oē-jī ū chi̍t-ê ài kì-tit: Pe̍h-oē-jī ê hoat-im kap Eng-gí ê Lô-má-jī ê hoat-im bô kāng-khóan. Só͘-í, goá ū iōng ê sin-jī sī tùi J.R.R. Tolkien chō-ê sin-jī lâi-ê. Só͘-ū tùi Tolkien lâi-ê jī kan-na ū chi̍t-ê hoat-im niā-niā.
Chim-á, lín ū siūⁿ boeh chhòng-siàⁿ?
The Value of Learning to Read and Write in Taiwanese
Today I am going to talk about the importance of learning to read and write Taiwanese. People say, “Oh just speak Taiwanese with your Grandparents. There is no need to read and write Taiwanese.
Q: How many of you are Hoklo Taiwanese? How many from Hakka backgrounds? Aboriginal? 2nd Generation immigrants? I am a first generation arrival in Taiwan. These days, all over the world, no matter what background you are from or what language you speak, it is important to write it. If people cannot write their language, then afterwards, there will be fewer and fewer able to speak it.
Q: How many of you have seen the movie, “The Lord of the Rings”? How many of you have read the book?
The book was written by an Oxford University Professor. His name is J.R.R. Tolkien He was a professor of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Anglo-saxon is the original English language. I think that if J.R.R. Tolkien had been born in Taiwan, he would have become a professor of Taiwanese literature.
The English language has a similar history to Taiwanese. When people began to write down the language and develop a culture and literature, Foreigners came and conquered England. The new rulers spoke the French language. All English literature slowly stopped being written. It had a negative influence on the culture and changed the language. When English was used again by the rulers, it had changed.
The same kind of thing happened in Taiwan. Japanese came in 1895. They forced the Taiwanese to learn and use Japanese in schools for 50 years. Then the ChungHwaMinGuo (ROC) came and forced everyone to use Mandarin in schools for another 50 years. All the local languages: Taiwanese, Hakka, and Aboriginal languages were suppressed and forbidden in schools or in media. It took away the strength of Taiwanese language and literature.
Professor Tolkien was sad for the loss of Old English and wrote a story to restore Anglo Saxon culture and literature. If you watch the movie, The Two Towers, you can see a funeral scene of Theodred where Eowyn sings a funeral durge. Although Tolkien invented languages, the one in the video is not His language. It is Anglo-saxon. That whole funeral illustrates Anglo-Saxon culture. It's beautiful. But that culture was lost and is only now being looked at again. Maybe some of you can have the same influence in Taiwan.
It is very important to learn to read and write Taiwanese. Did you know that Taiwanese is a very literary language? It is ironic that it is now the language spoken by farmers and people who did not study advanced degrees.
Knowing how to read and write Taiwanese will help you understand the history of language and culture.
East Asia's language history is very similar to Europe. Thousands of years ago, the Roman Empire spread the Latin Language across Europe. After that, Latin developed into different languages like Italian, French and Spanish. But even until 1700, people still wrote in Latin even if they spoke in a different language. Even other kinds languages like English got many words from Latin.
Like the Roman Empire in Europe, the Chinese Empire spread across East Asia. In East Asia, Classical Chinese developed into many distinct languages like Cantonese, Hakka, and Min-nan. But people still wrote mainly in classical Chinese. And also, many Classical Chinese words came into non-Chinese languages such as Korean.
I was born in Korea so I can speak a little Korean. When I came to Taiwan, I was very surprised to hear many words that sounded like Taiwanese. Korean and Taiwanese preserve consonant and vowel sounds from Classical Chinese. These sounds no longer are in Mandarin. Also, Korean's preserved Chinese Character Usage of the original classical Chinese. Taiwanese also did. Mandarin has changed.
If you read the Tang Dynasty Poems, you might sometimes the rhyming works better in Taiwanese than if you read in Mandarin. Also the tone sequence and structure matches Taiwanese better than Mandarin. Mandarin only has four tones. Taiwanese has seven. So Mandarin lost some. Taiwanese has two kinds of pronunciation of Chinese Characters- Literary and Regular. Also, if you know how to Write Taiwanese Chinese characters, you will find much cultural richness and beauty.
How many of you can write POJ? It is good if you can learn and use Taiwanese romanization.
1. Romanization shows inherent language structure in Taiwanese that cannot be seen reading characters. I am sure that there are many other structure relationships in the Taiwanese language and I hope your class will discover some.
2. Although the MOE has designed BoPoMoFo to use for Taiwanese, it is only to help pronounce characters and is not meant to be written by itself. Romanized Taiwanese is respected as independent of Characters.
3. Like English, the Taiwanese language has many contractions. Chinese Characters are not able to express this. Here are some examples: e.g. hō͘-lâng = hông niā-niā = niâ sì-cha̍p = sia̍p. You could do a class project to compile all of the common contractions.
4. Using characters will often lead us to write Taiwanese incorrectly because we are used to Mandarin words. For example: tāi-ke vs. ta̍k-ê .
5. Romanization can help us compare regional accents. Chinese characters cannot help us compare accents. So Romanization helps cultural understanding and research. My mother and father-in-law are from I-Lan where people say " chia̍h-puiⁿ "... instead of " chia̍h-png." And " mûiⁿ " instead of " mn̂g."
6. You can type using romanization on the internet, etc. I have a website that shows how to make tone marks.
But there is one thing to remember with Romanization. It is like International Phonetic Alphabet instead of English usage.
If you know how to pronounce Taiwanese romanization, pronouncing English words is different. English does not have a consistent sound for each letter. Taiwanese romanization has a consistant sound for each letter. So I have developed a phonetic script based on J.R.R. Tolkien's script that expresses even more closely the relation between different sounds. Every sound matches exactly.
What about you?
-- you can restore the culture and languages of Taiwan
-- Begin to write in Taiwanese
-- class project --- submit articles to the Taiwanese wikipedia.
-- writing stories for Taiwan's cultures like Tolkien did for England.
* sung by Miranda Otto (Éowyn) lyrics in Anglo-Saxon (Old English)
The full song lyrics
Nú on théostrum licgeth Théodred se léofa, hæ´letha holdost. ne sceal hearpan sweg wigend weccean; ne winfæ´t gylden guma sceal healdan, ne god hafoc geond sæ´l swingan, ne se swifta mearh burhstede beatan.
Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended, giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende on Meduselde thæt he ma no wære, his dryhtne dyrest and maga deorost.
Now dear Théodred lies in darkness, most loyal of fighters. The sound of the harp shall not wake the warrior; nor shall the man hold a golden wine-cup, nor good hawk swing through the hall, nor the swift horse stamp in the courtyard.
An evil death has sent forth the noble warrior A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels in Meduseld that he is no more, to his lord dearest and kinsmen most beloved.
===================================== New French translation by Cyril:
La valeur de l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture du taïwanais
– Ìn Chú-lia̍t (Joel H. Linton) – le 22 Mai 2007
Ha̍k-si̍p Tâi-gí Tha̍k Siá ê Kè-ta̍t
Aujourd’hui je vais vous parler de l’importance d’apprendre à lire et à écrire le taïwanais.
Kin-á-ji̍t góa boeh kap lín hun-hióng ha̍k-si̍p Tâi-gí ê tha̍k siá ê kè-ta̍t.
Les gens disent, “Oh parle simplement taïwanais avec tes grand-parents. Il n’y a pas besoin de lire et écrire en taïwanais.
Qu’importe la langue, Il est important de l’écrire.
Chit-má, choân sè-kài, múi-chi̍t-ê gí-giân lóng tio̍h-aì tòng iōng jī siá–chhut-lâi. Lâng nā bē-hiáu kā i ê gí-giân iōng jī siá–chhut-lâi, án-ni aū-lâi ē-hiáu kóng ê lâng ē lú-lâi-lú chió.
Q: Combien d’entre vous on vu le film , “Le seigneur des anneaux”?
Chia it-tēng ū lâng khòaⁿ-kòe chi̍t chhut tiān-iáⁿ kiò-chò 魔 戒 The Lord of the Rings?
Ū khòaⁿ-kòe ê lâng, chhiaⁿ lín giâ chhiú.
Q: Combien ont lu le livre?
Kuí ê ū khòaⁿkòe hit pún chheh?
Ce livre a été écrit par un professeur de université d’Oxford. Son nom est J.R.R. Tolkien
Gû-tin-Tāi-ha̍k-ê kàu-siū — i ê miâ kiò-chò J.R.R. Tolkien — só͘-siá-ê hit pún 魔 戒 The Lord of the Rings.
Il était professeur de littérature anglo-saxonne.
I sī Anglo-Saxon Bûn-ha̍k-hē ê kàu-siū.
La langue anglo-saxonne est le nom d’origine de la langue anglaise .
Anglo-saxon sī í-chêng goân-pún ê Eng-gí.
Si J.R.R. Tolkien était né en Taïwan, il serait devenu un professeur de littérature Taïwanaise.
Góa siūⁿ, nā J.R.R. Tolkien m̄-sī Eng-kok-lâng; i ê chó͘-kok nā-sī Tâi-oân, i it-tēng ē chò Tâi-oân-oē Bûn-ha̍k ê kàu-siū.
La langue anglaise et le taïwanais ont une histoire similaire.
Eng-gí ê le̍k-sú kap Tâi-gí-ê chin chhin-chhiūⁿ.
Le peuple commençait juste à écrire dans leur langue et à développer une culture et une littérature quand Guillaume le conquérant envahit l’Angleterre .
Tùi Kong-goân Lio̍k-Khòng-Khòng Nî kàu Kong-goân Chi̍t-chheng Nî, Eng-kok-lâng ū hoat-khí Eng-bûn ê bûn-ha̍k. Liáu-aū, It-Khòng-Lio̍k-Lio̍k Nî ê-sî, gōa-kok ê thóng-tī-chiá William the Conquerer lâi-kàu Eng-kok.
Le coréen et le taïwanais ont conservé les sons des consonnes et des voyelles du chinois classique. Ces sons n’existent plus en mandarin.
Hân-kok-oē kap Tâi-oân-oē iáu ū bûn-giân goân-pún ê chú-im kap bó-im ê hoat-im. M̄-ku hôa-gí í-keng bô hit ê siaⁿ. Chim-á ê Tiong-bûn kap bûn-giân-bûn í-keng bô kāng-khoán–a.
Les Coréens ont aussi concervé l’usage des caracteres du chinois classique. Les Taïwanais aussi. mais le mandarin lui, s’est transformé.
Hân-kok-oē kap Tâi-oân-oē iōng ê Hàn-jī sī guân-pún iōng ē Hàn-jī. Chim-á ê Tiong-bûn iōng-ê Hàn-jī chin-chē sī sin-chō-ê.
Lán só͘ kóng-ê chiah-ê gí-giân sī Tâi-bûn siōng-kīn kó͘-bûn.
Si vous lisez les poèmes de la dynastie Tang , vous vous rendrez compte que souvent les rymes sont meilleures en taïwanais que si vous lisez en mandarin. Les tons et les structures aussi y sont meilleures en taïwanais qu’en mandarin.
Lán nā iōng Tâi-gí tha̍k Tông-si, lán ē khah chheng-chhó thiaⁿ-tio̍h pêⁿ-im, tāng-im kap ūn ê kiàn-chō (kò͘-chō). Ū-sî-chun iōng Hôa-gí tha̍k, ūn ê kiàn͘-chō mā chheng-chhó, m̄-ku pêⁿ-im, tāng-im tō bô it-têng.
Le mandarin a 4 tons, le taïwanais en a 7. le mandarin en a perdu.
In-ūi Hôa-gí ê im-tiāu (koân-kē-im) chī ū sì-im. Tâi-gí ê im-tiāu ū chhit-im.
Le taïwanais a deux sortes de prononciation des caractères , littéraire ou normale.
Nā bòeh tha̍k Hàn-jī, Tâi-gí ū nn̄g khoán ê hoat-im tō-sī jī-im kap pe̍h-oē-im.
Et si vous savez écrire le taïwanais avec les caractères chinois vous découvrirez une belle et grande richesse culturelle.
Lán nā ē-hiáu iōng Hàn-jī siá Tâi-gí, lán ē-táng chai khah-chē bûn-hòa ê suí.
la romanisation (Lô-má-jī ) :
Q: Combien d’entre vous peuvent écrire en POJ?
Lán chia ū kúi-ê lâng ē-hiáu siá Tâi-gí iōng ê pe̍h-oē-jī?
C’est très bien si vous pouvez apprendre et utiliser la romanisation du taïwanais.
Nā lán o̍h àn-chóaⁿ iōng pe̍h-oē-jī siá Tâi-gí ū chi̍t-kóa chin hó ê chú-tê.
1. La romanisation montre les structures linguistiques propres à la langue taïwanaise qu’on ne peut voir avec les caractères.
1. Nā iōng Hàn-jī siá Tâi-gí, lán khòaⁿ–bē-chhut-lâi i ê gí-giân kiàn-chō (kò͘-chō). Nā iōng pe̍h-oē-jī lán ē-tàng chai-iáⁿ (chin chheng-chhó).
Je suis sur qu’il existe beaucoup d’autres relations structurelles en taïwanais et j’espère que votre classe va en decouvrir.
2. Même si le MOE (ministère de l’éducation) a crée un BoPoMoFo pour le taïwanais, cela aide seulement à prononcer les caractères mais n’est pas destine à l’écriture. Le système de romanisation est indépendant des caractères.
2. Lán ē-tàng bé Tâi-gí pe̍h-oē-jī ê chheh.
3. Comme en anglais, en taïwanais il y a de multiples contractions
les caractères chinois sont incapables de les exprimer.
Iōng Hàn-jī bô hoat-tō͘ siá hit hāng tāi-chì.
e.g. hō͘-lâng = hông niā-niā = niâ sì-cha̍p = sia̍p
Vous pouvez créer un projet en classe pour compiler toutes les contractions communes.
4. Utiliser les caracteres va souvent nous faire écrire le taïwanais de manière incorrecte parce nous sommes habitués aux mots en mandarin.
4. In-ūi ta̍k-ê í-keng si̍p-koàn iōng Hàn-jī siá Hôa-gí. Só͘-í lán khòaⁿ Hàn-jī kóng Tâi-gí ê-sî tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ kóng m̄-tio̍h.
5. La romanisation peut nous aider à comparer les accents régionaux. Les caracteres chinois ne peuvent pas nous aider à comparer les accents
Donc la Romanisation aide à la recherche et à la compréhension de la culture.
Mes beaux-parents sont d’ I-Lan, où les gens disent « chia̍h-puiⁿ » au lieu de » chia̍h-png. » et » mûiⁿ » au lieu de » mn̂g. »
6. Vous pouvez saisir la romanisation sur internet. J’ai un site qui montre comment saisir les tons.
Mais il y a une chose que vous ne devez pas oublier à propos de la romanisation.
Si vous savez prononcer la romanisation du taïwanais, vous savez que la prononciation de l’anglais est différente. L’anglais n’a pas un son consistant pour chaque lettre. Le système de romanisation taïwanais a son consistant pour chaque lettre.
Siá Tâi-gí iōng pe̍h-oē-jī ū chi̍t-ê ài kì-tit: Pe̍h-oē-jī ê hoat-im kap Eng-gí ê Lô-má-jī ê hoat-im bô kāng-khóan.
Alors j’ai développé une écriture phonétique basée sur celle de J.R.R. Tolkien qui exprime plus correctement la relation entre les différents sons.