Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Facebook Posts

Kin-á-ji̍t sī Peh-go̍eh-cheh. Góa tńg-gōa-ke khòaⁿ pē-bú. Góa chah nn̄g-pau ka-pi hō͘ in, soah-bóe--á ōaⁿ chi̍t-tui mi̍h-kiāⁿ tò-tńg-lâi. Lāng kóng cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ-chha̍t tio̍h-sī án-ne. :)

今仔日是八月節, 我轉外家看爸母. 我扎兩包咖啡乎in, 煞尾仔換一堆物件倒轉來, 人講查某囝賊著是按呢. :)

It's moon festival day today. I went back to my parents' place to visit them. I brought them 2 packs of coffee beans, but when I left, they gave me plenty of things. Well, that is what "daughter thief" exactly means. :)
Ba̍k-chiu Kiông-beh Lak--lo̍h-lâi

Góa ê ba̍k-chiu kòe-bín hē khí-chiūⁿ, chiūⁿ-kàu pê-chiūⁿ ê sî-chūn, ba̍k-chiu kiông-beh lak--lo̍h-lâi.

我的目睭過敏會起癢, 癢到扒癢的時陣, 目睭強欲落落來

My eyes are itchy because of allergies. My eyes are almost falling off when I scratch them.

Chi̍t-ê Bat Tāi-chì ê Gín-á

Téng-lé-pài sī Hannah ê siⁿ-ji̍t, góa bóe chi̍t-ê koe-nn̄g-ko hō͘ i. I si̍t-chāi sī chi̍t-ê bat tāi-chì ê gín-á, ū-kàu tit-lâng-thiàⁿ :)

頂禮拜是 Hannah 的生日, 我買一個雞卵糕互伊. 他實在是一個bat代誌的gín仔, 有夠得人疼 :)

It was Hannah's birthday last week. I bought her a birthday cake. She's such a mature kid and I just like her so much :)


Chhōa Gín-á

Góa chit-lé-pài khì chhōa-gín-á. Chhit-chá -pat- chá tio ̍h ài khí-chhn̂g, kiat-kó chhōa-gín-á chhōa khah ka-kī tok-ku khùn--khì ><''

我這禮拜去chhōa囡仔, 七早八早著愛起床, 結果chhōa囡仔chhōa到家己啄龜睏去

I was baby-sitting the kids this week, but I fell asleep while I was baby-sitting them because I got up too early. ><''

----- Marcie Lee, Taipei, TAIWAN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

e tok-ku toh ai lim sin-gu (蠻牛)
↖(^ ö ^)↗ iá-gô͘