Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Book of Prayers and Teachings in Favorlang with English, Dutch and Mandarin glosses

Favorlang Translation of the Lord's Prayer

Ai-ach'o ma-acháchimit ja torro Jesus Christus

(Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ)

Namoa tamau tamasea paga de boesum,

(Our Father who is in Heaven)

Ipá-dass-a joa naan.

(Hallowed be your name.)

Ipá-saij-a joa chachimit o ai.

(Let your kingdom come.)

Ipá-i-jorr'o oa airab maibas de boesum masini de ta channumma. 

(Let your will as in heaven on earth also.)

Epé-e namo-no piadai torro uppo ma-atsikap.

(Give us today our bread sufficient for today,)

So-o abo-e namo tataap o kakossi namoa, maibas channumma namo mabo tamasea parapies i namo.

(and forgive us our deeds of trespass as also we forgive those who do evil to us.)

Hai pá-sabas i namo, so-o barras'i namo innai rappies ai.

(Do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from the Evil One.)

Inau joa micho chachimit o ai, so-o barr'o ai so-o adas ai, taulaulan.  Amen.

(For yours is as it should be the kingdom and the power and the praise forever, Amen!)

Heidelberg Catechism and Book of Matthew in Siraya with English, Dutch and Mandarin glosses

Heidelberg Catechism Siraya Translation

Naunamou ki Tateitaligh   (First Question)

Kamang ta paka-sat paka-msing, paka-haniap ymhou-an tou kaeuag-han tou kidi ki kapatei-en?

(What is your only comfort in life and death?)

Pattae'i-vli-an (Answer)

Ka saousâl-koh ki voual ki vâtti, tou kaeu'ag-han, tou kidi ki kapatei-an, assi a-jâu, râ a-tou Meirang ki Tama-Pakariang-appa-mau ka ti Jesus Christus : ka alei tyni-aen kading-in-koh kma-riang mama ki âhteni, na ymmid ki mamang ka (mavitih) ma'te'-ato.

(That I am not my own, but belong -- body and soul, in life and death -- to my Lord, my Savior Jesus Christ.  Because of him I am protected and saved from all evil, I am looked after as his own possession.)