2010 a Sapatikowal a Pa'ayaw to Niyaro' no Taywan no Taywan Kilisto Cyolo Kyokay
Miso'ayaw ko Taywan to awaayayho i'ayaw a kalihanawan a demak. Pakaynien no Sina i sofitay a misakasak, patoro'en naira a pasi Taywan ko 1500 a salifong no timra, ato mipalowad haca parawraw i liyok no kasala'ed no Taywan, a pahapinang to sapita'modaw to Taywan. At pakaynien haca no Sina i pisa'efit a miso'ayaw to Taywan a pakayni i Rikec, i Likaf, ato no Faloco' a pingayaw, ato i Sakacietan a kacacawi at Kakakafit a maainiay a demak a miforifor a pacacidek to finawlan no Taywan.
Sorikor han ni Ma Ing-ciw ko nafaloco'an no finawlan no Taywan, taki'ec saan to Sina, paterep han niira ko pisawidang to pi'ada'ada a kitakit, caayto picowat to pisawidang to tao, pakonira hanto ko sakowan no Taywan. Oroma sato i, matiya sa o tao ko faloco' ni Ma Ing-ciw a cisaikowan, pakaynien niira i palahad to no etan, ta caay pikahi a papikong-to to finawlan, lonok saan ciira a mihai a pangangan to ECFA a telek, orasaka, o "Sina a cecay ko icifa, palawina saan a to Sina to sakacietan," si^naw ko faloco' to pi'emin naira a micolo' to pida no narorayan no Taywan. Orira ko sakaforifor no sya-kay no Taywan, matongal a'aloman ko awaayay ko katayalan, mangalef ko kalapakoyoc no pakoyoc, awaay ko rihaday tatiih ko pikowan, caay pisahci a midemak to milalenay ato mo^celay a demak.
[English: The Declaration of 2010 Conference on Taiwan National Fate - The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Taiwan is confronting an unprecedented domestic and international crisis. China's expanding military hegemony has resulted in the deployment of 1,500 missiles aiming at Taiwan and constant provocation in the Taiwan Strait to fulfill its plan to take over Taiwan. At the same time, China engages in legal, mass media, and psychological warfare against Taiwan, plotting conspiracies, with harmless sounding titles like, "Economic and Trade Exchange" and "Cross-Strait Talks," but whose purpose is to deceive the people of Taiwan. And Ma Ing-jeou's regime, defying the wishes of Taiwanese people, has totally tilted toward China, adopting the policy of "Diplomatic Truce," halting diplomatic endeavors, and deserting the sovereignty of Taiwan. In addition, Ma regime has acted like a conqueror, in the name of improving economy, it has refused the due process of referendum, and arbitrarily signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China to fabricate "One China Market" and "Economic Unification, measures that will seriously deplete Taiwan's economic strength, causing social disorder, escalating unemployment of the population, widening disparity between the rich and the poor, deteriorating the public security and legal system, and disdaining the implementation of social justice in Taiwan.]
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