Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"En̂-têu Kîm-ngit Lòi So-mu" -- Liau Tet-thiâm [客家話]

En̂-têu kîm-ngit lòi so-mu,
Chhong-kô chan-mî kám-chhia Chú;
Su-kiên van-vu̍t Sùn chhóng-chho,
Ya kiung ên-têu li̍t-thoi chú.

En̂-têu kîm-ngit lòi so-mu,
Hia̍p-li̍t kot-chhó fe̍t chhán-thú;
Sùn-sîm sùn-yi lòi ki-ngiam,
Yàng-ko sâm-sên lâu mìn-khu.

Kîm-ngit lòi-to fùn-mu chhièn,
Thai-kâ yím-súi oi sû-ngièn;
Hau-kin fu-mû he Chú-hiun,
Kin-pai Thiên Fu yin vì-siên.

Kîm-ngit lòi-to fùn-mu chhièn,
Chhiòn-kâ súm-chúng yu tûi-yén;
Li̍p-sûn hàng-tho yùng-yeu Sùn,
Chho-fuk ngìn-khiùn kien lo̍k-yèn.


As we come to sweep the grave, we meet God with thanks and praise.
He who does all things renew, did make our ancestors, too.

As we come to sweep the tomb, cut the grass and turn the earth,
thankfully here we recall, our ancestors in God's hall.

Meeting here before the tomb, this is not a time of gloom.
Parents taught us of the Lord, steeped us in God's holy word.

In the grave-yard where we stand, as a fam'ly hand in hand,
glory give to God above, who receives us all in love.

Words: Liau Tet-thiâm 1999 (Taiwan) ; English translation: David B. Alexander 2004
Music: Lìm Li-ngiu̍k 1986 (Taiwan)

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